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Authority ROI Review Ryan Deiss

Created by Ryan Deiss of DigitalMarketer, Authority ROI is a training guide to starting a monetised authority blog.

What is the product?

Spread over 6 modules Authority ROI is video based training guide that teaches users how to start, operate and ultimately monetise a blog. According to Ryan Deiss, he and the rest of the DigitalMarketer team are all successful internet marketers and that Authority ROI draws on their collective knowledge. In fact, according to Ryan Deiss, everything that is contained within Authority ROI are methods that he and his colleagues actively employ in their own businesses. This is presented in 17 videos that cover topics ranging from researching your blog, branding and the creation process. Much of what Authority ROI shows you is about building an authority site which means that if you intend to use this to create a blog you should keep an open mind. There is also bonus content in the form of a launch guide for your first week as well as information on the plugins and themes that the DigitalMarketer team use on their websites. Read more

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