Created by Dolf Krause and offered through Circle Media, Bundesliga Bets is a sports betting tipster service offering weekly tips for the Bundesliga.
What is the product?
Bundesliga Bets is a German operated tipster service offering weekly selections for Germany’s top football league. Selections are sent out by email, typically around 9am with Dolf Krause providing 4 or 5 bets a week on average with an average strike rate of 80% for this year so far. The bets that Bundesliga Bets recommends will be a combination of win or draw bets which according to Dolf Krause makes things much simpler. Whilst the ins and outs of how selections for Bundesliga Bets selections are made isn’t covered (with the copy offering a story about his Uncle giving him a betting system that if followed won’t lose), much of the service seems to have a basis in the claim that because Bundesliga Bets involves betting on German games, you will typically receive better odds. Read more