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Cash Blurbs Review

Created by Bryan Winters, Cash Blurbs is marketing product that offers the chance for your ads to be shared on social media in exchange for you doing the same.

What is the product?

Honestly, Cash Blurbs is unlike anything that I’ve ever really looked at and the pros and cons become instantly apparent when looking at the structure. Essentially users place ads on Cash Blurbs, but in order to do so you have to share an existing advert through Twitter or Facebook. What his means though is that others should in turn be sharing your adverts through their social media accounts. Bryan Winters says that this can allow your adverts to go viral and ultimately generate a huge number of sales. This is based on a lot of “if’s” though which I personally find off putting. If you wish to monetise Cash Blurbs further you can sign up to become an affiliate of theirs whereby you receive referral fees for referring new users. Read more

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