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Football Cash Machine System Review Chris Williams

Created by Chris Williams, Football Cash Machine System is a betting system for football that takes advantage of an oft overlooked market.

What is the product?

Football Cash Machine System is a betting system that helps you to identify your own football bets. The system is based around a high strike rate with Chris Williams claiming that Football Cash Machine System has won a very impressive 96% of bets. Whilst this isn’t proofed in full (he says that showing the results would give away the method behind Football Cash Machine System) there is evidence of this showing whether bets won or lost on Betfair. The system itself is spread over more than 100 minutes of videos (broken down into 3 different subjects) as well as coming with a PDF that also outlines the methods. Whilst I cannot go into the  methods as it would pretty much give away Chris Williams’ system, Football Cash Machine System is very easy to use and not overly time consuming. All that you have to do is check a certain website before a game and compare some basic information and if the odds are right on Betfair simply place your bet. Read more

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