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Get Money Profits Review Chris Khristie

Created by Chris Khristie, Get Money Profits is a course that has been designed to teach users how to start an affiliate marketing business.

What is the product?

Get Money Profits is a fairly standard example of learning based products. Chris Khristie has broken Get Money Profits into five modules that are rather unusually structured. For example whilst the third module primarily deals with creating a “profit mechanism” that will help you develop autopilot income, an action plan for scaling your business and building a website. This unorthodox set up doesn’t diminish from the product which isn’t anything really new. This is in spite of Chris Khristie’s claim that Get Money Profits reveals previously unrevealed business practices and secrets. The same secrets that allegedly govern all of internet marketing. The reality however seems to be that Get Money Profits is an unspectacular plan that outlines what is required to start a business in affiliate marketing, a far cry from the promotional material. There are also a few bonuses that are provided that are vaguely related to the core content however these seem to be there mainly to make Get Money Profits seem like better value. Read more

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