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Instant Blog Empire Review Robert Issell

Seemingly created by Robert Issell, Instant Blog Empire is a product that claims to offer a complete package in terms of getting started with a profitable WordPress blog.

What is the product?

Instant Blog Empire is a comprehensive guide to getting started with your own WordPress blog with a focus on making it profitable. There are a number of different aspects to Instant Blog Empire that come together to make what is sold as a complete blog creation package. This includes a large quantity of videos that cover a number of topics ranging from registering a domain to installing WordPress and using the format for your website. There is also a PDF that contains information pertaining to the monetisation of your blog which is the part that most people will be interested in. Instant Blog Empire also shows you how to go about selling your blog too. There are also a massive variety of tools provided with Instant Blog Empire  and these range from WordPress plugins to over 100 themes as well as “thousands of private label articles”. Read more

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