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Product Academy Incubator Review Emilis ‘Emika’ Strimaitis

Created by Emilis ‘Emika’ Strimaitis , Product Academy Incubator is a training course that will teach users about creating and launching a new product.

What is the product?

Product Academy Incubator is a comprehensive video based training system that has been created with those who ae new to product creation in mind. Emilis ‘Emika’ Strimaitis has paced Product Academy Incubator out over 21 videos with 1 being sent to you each day. The videos range from a little over 5 minutes all the way up to 25 minutes with the activities etc. allegedly taking you around 2-3 hours per day. Product Academy Incubator appears to draw heavily on the knowledge of Emilis ‘Emika’ Strimaitis who has had a number of successful products, some of which are still selling today. Each week shows you something new with week 1 opening with product creation, how to write about your product and sales copy for your new product. Week 2 shows you how to take advantage of affiliate marketers (with the advice being based around JVZoo only). Finally, in week 3 Product Academy Incubator shows you how to set up and take advantage of a sales funnels, bonus products and up sells. As well using Product Academy Incubator to show you how to create a new product, Emilis ‘Emika’ Strimaitis says that he has agreed with Emilis ‘Emika’ Strimaitis “hundreds” of affiliate marketers for them to market your product on an affiliate basis. Read more

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