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Puntology Review Michael Wilding

Created by Michael Wilding, Puntology is a product that teaches subscribers how to create their own betting system for horse racing.

What is the product?

Puntology is a course that over 52 weeks will allegedly teach you how to create your own winning horse racing systems. Each week Michael Wilding sends subscribers a module in PDF format which over 2-5 pages will teach you what you need for that week. Puntology includes weekly exercises which allow you to show your understanding so far. Drawing heavily on his alleged 10 plus years of experience, Puntology is an abridged version of the lessons that Michael Wilding learned and the ups and downs he encountered. . It is also worth noting that the selections that Puntology will allegedly help you to make are only for UK and Irish races. Although there isn’t too much detail on the product, it is stated that what Puntology teaches you over the year is how to rate horses yourself and use these figures (that are allegedly exclusive to you remember) to make selections. Read more

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