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Safe Trader App Review

Created by Aaron Williams and Rick Vicari, Safe Trader App is a Safe Trader App robot. In order to use the software you must use a pre-selected broker.

What is the product?

Safe Trader App is yet another attempt to peddle binary options trading as a miracle, money making revolution. Safe Trader App ticks all the usual boxes with Aaron Williams and Rick Vicari claiming that you can trade almost guaranteed profit on auto pilot etc. There is a rather interesting spin in which Aaron Williams and Rick Vicari say that they are members of the BTA or Binary Traders Association. This sounds rather impressive and based off what they say on their video you would think that this would be a big organisation but I am not sold on this. A search for the organisations name on Google places them 4th, hardly reassuring that this is a legitimate operation. That having been said there is a website. There is nothing about how Safe Trader App actually works which is expected at this point as the current trend is to sell the lifestyle rather than the product. Of course Safe Trader App ties you down to their “trusted” broker, in this case a company called UK Options. Read more

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