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Screw Work Let’s Play Review

Authored by John Williams, Screw Work Let’s Play is a self help book of sorts that teaches people ways of engaging their passions as a way of making money.

What is the product?

Screw Work Let’s Play is a series of anecdotes, case studies and general advice composed into a book by author John Williams. The book is all about finding ways of doing what you love for a living and how to implement them. The content itself is pretty well written but the content is where Screw Work Let’s Play looks to fall down a little bit. I should say at this point that I am generally on the cynical side when it comes to self help books and despite approaching Screw Work Let’s Play with an open mind, I didn’t find John Williams did much to sway me. The issue lies in the fact that there is generally a bit of a vague feel to Screw Work Let’s Play with a lack of what I would call concise instructions on how to achieve the ultimate goal. Read more

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