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Secret Signal Review Streetwise News

Created by John Goldsmith and offered through Streetwise Publications, Secret Signal is a horse racing betting system that is a betting system that claims to have a very y high success rate.

What is the product?

Secret Signal comes as a manual that shows you how to exploit a little system that John Goldsmith claims can identify winning bets on a number of different horse racing events including flat races, jump races and all weather races. Details of this little secret system are not discussed in the slightest with the only allusion to it being that you don’t need the internet as you can also work out a newspaper (presumably the Racing Post). The method that Secret Signal employs should bring in up to three bets per day however there will be days when there aren’t any according to John Goldsmith. All bets are advised to be backed on a win basis wish a staking plan that is claimed to be low risk with no chasing losses. Arguably the biggest selling point of Secret Signal (aside from the claimed income) is the strike rate which stands at 91% if you believe Streetwise Publications and John Goldsmith. This isn’t based off small figures either with Secret Signal allegedly identifying 223 winning bets out of 243 bets that were placed. Read more

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