Created by Joey Xoto, The Video Induction System is a tutorial that teaches users how to use videos in their online marketing.
What is the product?
The Video Induction System is a training course spread out across a number of (not surprisingly) videos that in turn teach you about getting this kind of marketing up and running. Joey Xoto has essentially broken The Video Induction System down into theory and technical. The theory side of The Video Induction System covers things like scripting, content etc. essentially anything that isn’t technical. The technical side covers editing, recording software, things that are about how to physically make the video. Much of the information seems to be based on Joey Xoto’s experience which is claimed to be extensive with the creator of The Video Induction System claiming that he charges $3,000 per video. This is part of the reason that The Video Induction System has popped into existence as he says that he wants to make his knowledge and experience affordable to everybody. The Video Induction System also comes with a number of bonuses related to the core product. Read more