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Ultimate Lotologist Review

Ultimate Lotologist markets itself as a memorabilia trading site for lottery scratch cards within the UK although this seems to be nothing more than a crude cover.

What is the product?

Ultimate Lotologist is a very dubious product in my opinion. The creator of Ultimate Lotologist starts by talking about memorabilia and the commercial call for this before ultimately fixating on lottery tickets as memorabilia, more specifically scratch cards. The notion of limited runs etc. is touched upon before the whole thing take a shift towards the financial with Ultimate Lotologist claiming that this represents a chance to get in on a great thing and make lots of money. Ultimate Lotologist achieves this by using a suspiciously similar setup to a pyramid scheme. The big difference is that there is no cash changing hands, rather “memorabilia” in the form of scratch cards. Scratch cards that you send unscratched allowing your recipient to play. You start getting your scratch cards from further down your downline ultimately having the potential to receive scratch cards from 4 levels down from you (but never the person that you induct into Ultimate Lotologist). You can opt to be part of a group trading lottery tickets at anywhere from £1 – £10. Read more

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