The 1 Percent Club Review

Allegedly developed by “James”, The 1 Percent Club is a piece of binary options trading software that requires you to utilise Options Area as your broker.

What is the product?

The 1 Percent Club is a trading bot that James claims is able to automatically trade binary options for profit. As The 1 Percent Club is a trading bot there is allegedly nothing involved other than setting up the bot and linking it with your Options Area account. Options Area is a binary options broker that you have to utilise in order to obtain your copy of The 1 Percent Club software. In terms of how The 1 Percent Club is able to make trades consistently and profitably, there is unfortunately nothing discussed, nor is there any way to try and discern the methods involved. In fact the majority of the sales material is spent trying to convince you that James is the real deal and that you can make yourself a millionaire in a few months.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Technically The 1 Percent Club is a free piece of software and it is advertised as this. The reality though is that whilst The 1 Percent Club is provided for free, this is conditional on you making a $250 minimum deposit through Options Area.

It is then claimed that this $250 deposit can be turned into $1,240,000 within 64 days. This is an average daily profit of over $20,000. James also shows an “example” of one of his bank accounts that has accrued nearly $20,000,000 by using The 1 Percent Club.

Does the product provide value for money?

Despite being “free” there is absolutely nothing about The 1 Percent Club that is value for money.


It has been a while since I last looked at a piece of binary options trading software of this ilk but it is apparent that nothing has changed. Marketers are still advertising miracle software that is able to make obscene amounts of money with no effort, all with no tangible evidence of course.

As I have said plenty of times before now, I recommend avoiding these products as they serve only to generate referrals to the brokers with the most likely outcome being users losing out on their deposit.



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