The Betting Machine Review

Developed by Benjamin Street, The Betting Machine is a piece of software that provides users with tips as well as betting advice.

What is the product?

There are two aspects to The Betting Machine. The first is that it is a tipster service with Benjamin Street sending tips directly to the software. The other is more of a supporting role in which The Betting Machine advises you on what stakes to play. This plays a larger part as a recovery system should you incur losses. This sounds well and good in theory but actually I find it curious as to why a successful tipster would opt for this kind of set up rather than simply using an email based system and providing a calculator as a bonus. This comes under further scrutiny when you realise that Benjamin Street shows no results for tips that he provides. Considering this is pretty essential to the service I do not like this one bit.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

The Betting Machine is available with a 5 day free trial with Benjamin Street then charging £19.99 each month after that. It is worth noting at this point that nothing is said about a refund policy so it seems prudent to expect that there isn’t anything of this ilk in place. In terms of the potential profitability of The Betting Machine, there are no claims made.

There is nothing mentioned about income which given the fact that The Betting Machine is a direct money making product is very worrying.

Does the product provide value for money?

I can see no reason that The Betting Machine or Benjamin Street give to show that The Betting Machine is value for money.


There is more here that I find worrying than don’t and that really sets the alarm bells ringing. The fact that The Betting Machine only posts tips to the software is a worry for me. There are plenty of reputable tipsters that don’t need to do this so I see no reason for Benjamin Street to do so. This could be overlooked if The Betting Machine were a proven success but the fact is that there are no claims of profit or even any results and I find that to be arguably the most basic of information.

It doesn’t instill me with further confidence and even with a free trial, I can’t personally find anything about The Betting Machine to recommend.



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