Created by internet marketer Jack Anderson, The Crazy Millionaire gives users access to free websites that are designed to sell products in proven niches.
What is the product?
Jack Anderson doesn’t give a whole lot away about The Crazy Millionaire with much of his talk seeming like bluff with big numbers thrown around somewhat willy nilly. What I can state is that Jack Anderson provides users with a website from one of 50 available that is designed to operate in a chosen niche. You then use this website to set up a business as an online marketer. There are a few tutorial videos provided on this aspect of The Crazy Millionaire. In order to use The Crazy Millionaire you must use Jack Anderson’s chosen hosting service for your free website.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
The Crazy Millionaire is sold as “free” but, as touched upon above, you are tied down to your hosting options, in this case it is Cloud Pro Hosting. This package will cost you a minimum of $14.95 per month so that is a cost that has to be factored in. In terms of returns on your investment, Jack Anderson says that he has made over $1.5 million in 10 months using the same websites that he is providing in The Crazy Millionaire. Further to this he then claims $15,000 per month which puts him a long way off that $1.5 million mark.
Does the product provide value for money?
For reasons I shall outline below I don’t believe that The Crazy Millionaire is value for money.
Jack Anderson claims to be many things but the one thing he is yet to do is show me any substantial evidence that his products work. Yes, we know that The Crazy Millionaire is reliant on marketing to make money but what about the websites? There are no examples, no figures other than those that Jack Anderson chooses to apply. It is this extreme lack of evidence that leads me to recommend a more reputable product that is able to show you something rather than nothing.
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