The Daily Tip Off Review John Doe

Operated by “John Doe” (an obvious pen name), The Daily Tip Off offers subscribers a daily tip that has been whittled down from a large sample group.

What is the product?

At the centre of The Daily Tip Off is John Doe, a tipster of sorts who claims to have connections with 30 of the biggest and top punters in the game. Because of this connection he says that he is privy to their own selections. By taking this information and applying it to a formula that is unique to The Daily Tip Off (and is in turn based on the methods that the afore mentioned punters use) he is able to narrow down all these selections to one that is most likely to win. Despite this method, The Daily Tip Off has a strike rate of around 36% according to John Doe. As well as the winning selection The Daily Tip Off also provides the runner up with the reasons that the winner was chosen. This allows you to also back the runner up if you so choose as well as allowing you to make an informed decision.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

There are two ways of subscribing to The Daily Tip Off. The first is monthly which costs £20 per month or alternatively you can subscribe for the year for £50. Both options come with a 60 day money back guarantee courtesy of Clickbank. In terms of income, John Doe claims that The Daily Tip Off is able to produce an average of 33.58 points of profit per month.

Does the product provide value for money?

On the surface of things, The Daily Tip Off does look like value for money however there are some problems that I shall address below.


My biggest problem with The Daily Tip Off lies in the lack of published results. Any claims (such as the strike rate) are unsubstantiated and with no evidence at all. This is not good enough by my standards as I would always anticipate a tipster service offering some form of proofing. What does work in The Daily Tip Off’s favour is that because there is a 60 day money back guarantee (without a particularly high purchase price), it might just be worth a look and paper trading.



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