Created by Kenneth Salmon and currently being marketed by Streetwise Publications, The Infallible System is a betting system for roulette that is being sold as offering no risk strategy.
What is the product?
The sales page for The Infallible System is rather big on creating the notion that roulette is an easy and safe way of making money for the initiated few however this simply isn’t the case in reality. As a system The Infallible System is sent out as a printed guide that is based around a method that is being claimed as brand new however it appears that what Kenneth Salmon has done is simply looked at an older roulette strategy and modernised and updated it. Without divulging too much information about what The Infallible System entails it is fundamentally based around the idea that certain events have an increased chance of occurring after certain runs.
You simply move your stakes around based off this on the probability of these outcomes occurring. Interestingly, Streetwise Publications refer to this as a glitch in the system but honestly it follows more of a hypothetical statistical pattern. The guide breaks everything down and shows you what you need to do to make the most of The Infallible System however I struggle to believe that you will be betting confidently in the time that Kenneth Salmon claims. As well as looking at the method The Infallible System provides details of a staking plan in order to make the most out of the method.
Finally I feel that I should point out that The Infallible System is being sold as having no risk, regardless of your experience with roulette.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Streetwise Publications are marketing The Infallible System for a one time cost of £127 which is claimed to be an introductory price for the first 100 customers. There is also a 90 day money back guarantee in place if you don’t like any aspect of The Infallible System. In terms of the income, Kenneth Salmon claims that he personally makes £60 per hour using his system and that he “literally” can bring in the money he wants “practically on demand”.
If you were to use The Infallible System on a full time basis he claims that you could make more than £6,000 per month.
Does the product provide value for money?
Personally I don’t believe that The Infallible System does provide value for money for a number of reasons that I shall explore below.
As touched upon, despite some slick marketing The Infallible System isn’t really anything that experienced roulette players won’t have seen before. Like many systems of this nature The Infallible System makes sound sense on paper however when put into practice it is actually rather flawed as it relies on a gamblers fallacy to a degree.
That aside, if you are interested in this style of betting it is hard to ignore the fact that there are other options available for much less than The Infallible System costs.