The Lazy Money System Review Hans Peter (HP) Jeschke

Created by Hans Peter (HP) Jeschke, The Lazy Money System is a simple method of getting started in affiliate marketing.

What is the product?

The Lazy Money System is a downloadable guide spread over a 35page PDF. The course that has been created by HP Jeschke shows you the methods that he employed in his own campaigns including products, keywords and the type of ads. The Lazy Money System has a pretty simple structure that is based around using Microsoft’s Bing search engine for a number of reasons. Key amongst these is that placing an advert on Bing allows you to put your affiliate link directly in as an advert. Secondly appears to be the fact that it is less saturated than Google. As well as the core guide HP Jeschke also gives users access to two different bonus videos, one on finding the best products to promote and market whilst the second video shows you how to use Bing to track your conversion. As well as this there is an additional 10 step guide for beginners.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

The Lazy Money System sells for $47, a claimed discount on the “actual” value of $77. There is a 60 day money back guarantee in place too as The Lazy Money System is sold through Clickbank. In terms of potential income, HP Jeschke claims that by using the same techniques that he shows The Lazy Money System users he made a profit of £551.15 in less than 3 weeks.

Does the product provide value for money?

There is a lot of potential in The Lazy Money System and as such I believe that it probably does provide value for money although I do feel it is at the top end of pricing for a product of this nature.


The Lazy Money System is built on a solid principle and is a great way for affiliate marketers to get started as a result of low overheads and an immediate audience. That having been said there are arguably more costs involved in running an advertising campaign of this nature although ultimately I feel that this will be rather easily offset. As far as products go for new marketers who want to start almost instantly, The Lazy Money System is a great option.



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