Created by Alex Jeffrey, The Super List Method is a course that teaches users how to build email lists and use these to get sales.
What is the product?
The Super List Method is a video training course that draws heavily on the knowledge of Alex Jeffrey. He claims that The Super List Method is an ideal introduction to list building regardless of your experience which would make it great for those new to the topic. The training is broken down into seven modules which are varied in topics from a quick start guide through to topics like creating sales funnels and (if you believe the hype) 100% opt ins. The material appears to be mostly based on the knowledge that Alex Jeffrey has accrued during his time creating what he calls a super list. As well as the main training The Super List Method comes with downloadable MP3 versions of the videos as well as customer support.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
The high point of The Super List Method is the price with Alex Jeffrey selling it for just $9.95. There is also a 30 day money back guarantee should you be unhappy with the product. In terms of income Alex Jeffrey says that he is a millionaire through using the methods that he shows you in The Super List Method. This seems somewhat unrealistic to me and I would instead say that it is a solid way of marketing en masse to a dedicated audience which means there is definitely income potential.
Does the product provide value for money?
Given the low price and what is on offer I believe that The Super List Method does provide value for money.
There are a number of products dealing with list building online but The Super List Method is one of the better looking and more affordable versions I have seen. Whilst not flawless and of very limited use to anybody who has used email list marketing before, The Super List Method is none the less a great jumping off point for newbies, especially at the price involved.
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