Tony Langley Daisho Trading System Review – Our Opinion

On This Review we take a look at Tony Langley’s latest trading product, The Daisho Trading System. What is the most that you would conceivably pay for a betting system? Some people will start around £10. Some will go into the tens of thousands to join the right type of betting syndicate. What about £2,957? This is the amount that Tim Lowe is asking for his newly released betting system, provided with long time collaborator Tony Langley. The name of this system is a little bit strange, The Daisho System, however it is also strangely apt.

Having returned from Google, I can in fact verify the claim that Daisho refers to the practice in Feudal Japan of Samurai carrying two different swords. These were a bigger one that was used to fight their battles and a smaller sword that was a back up. Some even fought with both.

With today’s history lesson over, how exactly does this tie in with this new betting system? There are a few things that I happen to know about The Daisho System and one of them is that the fundamentals of the system are based on work that Tony Langley has carried out before. Having used some of his older systems, I can tell you that they are based around hedging bets.

Hedging a bet is a well known strategy that (without boring you on the technicalities) involves placing bets in such a fashion that regardless of the outcome, you can still win. This is a massively complicated technique however although Tony did do a very good job of guiding you through what you needed to do. Unfortunately, it was time consuming and often involved watching a game of football unfold, betting in real time and reacting to what happens as the game progresses.

There was a lot of money to be made through this method and I know of a few people who have stuck  with Tony Langley and ended up doing alright for themselves. Given the fact that The Daisho System is a refined version of something that has already been proven to work, I am willing to approach it with a relatively open mind. That having been said, given the money that is involved, I am not going to be easily swayed.

So, what does Daishio have to do with Samurai and their swords?

Well, The Daisho System is named for the fact that the method that Tony Langley has refined his hedging strategy so that you should ideally be placing one main bet and a smaller bet to complement it as the outcome changes. On top of refining the methodology, The Daisho System has also massively simplified some of the processes.

The defining factor for The Daisho System as far as I am concerned is the method that is used to teach you how to do everything. Normally Tim Lowe puts out information based products. Typically, these are video based and also come with a training manual that you can follow along with. This is all well and good for those who don’t need help, but I profess to sometimes needing somebody to lean on (If I’m going to do something, I want to do it right).

With the Daisho System this help is on offer. In fact, what you actually get access to is a 2 day live training session with Tony Langley on hand to talk you through his methods, trade in real time and generally offer support. This is backed up by a full written guide so that you can refer back to the methods as and when it suits you.

This is a fantastic move in my opinion and will go a long way to making The Daisho System one of the stronger betting products on the market. This isn’t some cheap knock off affair either. The training takes 2 days at Horsley Park, Surrey. This is a lovely and prestigious looking country house that has been converted to provide various business training facilities. So far, everything about The Daisho System really appears to hold up.

Even keeping all of this in mind (including Tim Lowe’s generous offer to provide a decent lunch and refreshments), that original price point does still come off as rather high. Almost £2,600 is an astronomical investment, however if you take a step back and look at the wider picture, you can eventually be earning that amount in a single week. I hate to sound overly dismissive of a large number, but how many products out there have you purchased for a weeks wage before now that didn’t offer you a route to financial freedom?

The Daisho System is fundamentally a numbers game and as such, perhaps one of the best places to look in terms of understanding the costs involved is at the numbers. They certainly make for some very impressive reading.

Tony Langley has been trialling The Daisho System and tinkering with the system as he does so for 20 months.

All of which was recorded. During this incredible proofing period, the Daisho System trading system generated 559 trades. This amounts to just under 1 per day for those who love averages (although it rarely works out stacked like this). The strike rate for that 20 month period is mind blowing with 99.82% of those making some kind of profit. Ultimately, the other single bet which didn’t make money (or 0.12%) “only” broke even.

In 20 months of trialling The Daisho System, Tony Langley is yet to lose. That is an achievement that I genuinely thought wasn’t possible until now. In fact, there is a part of me that doesn’t work in numbers that is crying out that there must be something wrong. I’ve ran the numbers however, and The Daisho System definitely delivers.

So it’s profitable, low risk and is named after some swords. What else can I tell you about The Daisho System? As I have established before, The Daisho System is something of a joint venture between Tim Lowe and Tony Langley, both self confessed football sceptics. In spite of this, the beautiful game is exactly what The Daisho System concerns itself with. Possibly best of all, it can be used to trade on the  football markets which means that there is, at least in theory, something to bet on most days.

At this point, some of you might be asking what I mean when I say trading. After all, this is a betting system right? Well, for those who aren’t familiar, betting doesn’t just have to take place through a bookie nowadays. Increasingly, people are turning to something called betting exchanges where you bet with other people. There is a lot more flexibility in terms of the types of bets that you can place as well as the liquidity in the market and this is something that The Daisho System takes full advantage of.

If this sounds scary, there is no reason for it to be so. Tony Langley is a salt of the earth guy and his interests are very clearly in helping others to find an independent source of wealth. This means that he will help you with all aspects of The Daisho System on the training course, all the way from start to finish. If for some reason this isn’t enough, you can choose to retain Tony’s service as a helpdesk for The Daisho System.

Unfortunately, this isn’t free however given the level of support that is offered with The Daisho System, I do believe that it is ultimately worth the nominal cost of £95.40 per month. All of this starts to make The Daisho System look like a much better rounded product in my opinion.

I am sure that there are also some concerns that if you are trading that you will be sat in front of a computer all day, forced to watch games play out before you. Thanks to a neat piece of software that Tony shows you in your training for The Daisho System (as well as how to use it too) you can simply receive notifications when something happens that requires your attention.

The nail in the coffin of doubt for me comes in the form of the income potential which is frankly, staggering. Simply by starting out with a very modest betting bank of just £300 and compounding your average profit, in 6 months your betting bank could be worth £6,173. This growth rate is almost unprecedented and I will get to some of the nitty gritty numbers below.

Those with a bit more to invest, who can afford to start with a betting bank of £1,000 can expect to have made just short of the average UK salary of £27,600 in 7 months. The difference is, because your earnings from The Daisho System are tax free, there is no tax to pay on this amount either.

So how can I quote these figures with such surety?

After all this is a big selling point. To answer this, I have to return to Tony Langley’s 20 month trial of The Daisho System. During this period of over 500 bets being placed, there was an average monthly profit calculated of 65.5%. For every £100 you put into The Daisho System, you are hypothetically taking out £65 profit. That is an amazing feat. There is even evidence of a single trade carried out by Tony which shows him making £1,000 off just one bet.

At this point, I’m pretty much sold on The Daisho System however I have to refer back to the point that I made before about knowing people who have used Tony Langley’s products successfully before now. This means that even before I was aware of just how well The Daisho System has performed, I was always vaguely aware of the name and the fact that there was some money to be made following his advice.

If you are in a position where you are giving The Daisho System some thought but are not entirely sold on the concept then it is worth taking note of the money back guarantee that Tim Lowe has put in place. Frankly, The Daisho System comes with one of the most robust money back guarantees I have ever looked at. It starts on the day that you arrive for your training.

If you attend and don’t like what Tony Langley shows you, you can leave there and then with a wholly independent system from Tim Lowe. You will also receive a full refund on the cost of The Daisho System. Long term, there is also a somewhat unprecedented 90 day period once the training ends in which you can claim a refund for The Daisho System if you aren’t happy with the end result.

What do I think of The Daisho System then?

I supposed that my final thoughts are that this is one of the most complete and comprehensive betting products that I have looked at before now. Key to this is undoubtedly the face to face time with Tony Langley. This is something that I can definitely imagine comes in handy, especially for anybody who has read this review and walked away scratching their heads.

I would be naive to think that people can afford to simply pay out the costs involved for The Daisho System however if I am completely level on this front, I feel like t isn’t a lot to ask. If you look at what you are really getting access to with The Daisho System, it isn’t just a betting system in the traditional sense of the word. We’re not looking for ideal horse racing conditions to magically appear or passing up on bets because something isn’t right.

The Daisho System teaches you a very valid trading method and it does so in a very efficient and warm method. The support that is on offer in the longer term is once again costly, but to see The Daisho System you have to see all of it in context. This brings me back to the results which I cannot stress enough are fantastic. I have looked at a large number of products before The Daisho System and I don’t recall seeing anything with this sort of potential. Risk is essentially a thing of the past.

As I have also said before now, The Daisho System is an extension of the theory that Tony Langley has been applying to his trading for some time and this instils confidence, especially based off these newest results. This is one of the few genuine guys in this industry (or at least he has always seemed to be when I have had need to contact him) who just happens to have figured out a way to apply a rather advanced trading method to sports betting.

If you already have one The Daisho System’s earlier products, why would you want to upgrade though? Love or loathe the guy, I can’t help but think back to Jeremy Clarkson’s thoughts on the Aston Martin DBS on an old episode of Top Gear. He describes it as a DB9 but where every little piece is a little bit better. This is where I think that The Daisho System comes out. It is simpler and easier to follow when compared with some of this other products. Furthermore, it has proven to be more profitable than anything I have looked at for a long time.

All in all, I think that The Daisho System is one of the more rounded ways of making money online, not just now, but potentially for a long time. It is clear that in his claims of making as much as £3,000 per week that there is a lot of confidence from both Tim and Tony that The Daisho System can deliver and I am forced to consider myself amongst those ranks. When you are faced with strong evidence, even the most dubious claims cannot be ignored, and there is a lot of strong evidence on display here.

Where can I find more information on Daisho?

More information can be found by clicking the following link to the Daisho website:

(You can click the link to go to the Daisho website)





  1. Jhon says:

    This looks good but how long would it take for a £300 starting bank to reach the £2000 a week paradise?

    • UKD Admin says:


      The website shows this, using compounding

      Although I wouldn’t call football trading a paradise as such, just a way of putting effort into somethng that produces a return, which is what Mr Langley shows you how to do.


  2. Brian Joyce says:

    Have you yourself operated the Daisho system ?
    If so can you let me have your results. Size of bank and most ever exposed.
    Thank u

    • UKD Admin says:


      We currently have one of our reviewers going through the Daisho programme as I type, and he has been doing so for around 6 weeks, trading live for the last 4.

      Every trade has made a profit, and the free bonus method also has a 100% success rate so far although it is early days it is very positive.

      The bank size is stated as starting at £300, and most exposed is fractional for recoveries.

      You also do not have to complete recoveries if you choose to not want to do them and a profit overall is still made, as we are making a second list of such.


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