Created by Jon Owen and offered through his company Equine Investment Management Limited, Ultimate Betting Tips is a service that provides numerous sports betting and horse racing tips.
What is the product?
As a product Ultimate Betting Tips appears to actually be composed of three different products with Equine Investment Management Limited saying that the service provides a one stop solution for your betting needs. As mentioned Ultimate Betting Tips is rather multifaceted with the core product seeming to be a rather typical horse racing tipster service. Unfortunately Jon Owen provides very little information about the selection process or what Ultimate Betting Tips actually entails with the only information confirmed being that selections are sent out directly to your email. The second part of Ultimate Betting Tips is the sports betting tipster service which is creatively called Ultimate Betting Tips Sports Bet.
This provides a number of different tips for a massive variety of sport with Equine Investment Management Limited claiming that Ultimate Betting Tips Sports Bet looks at football, both union and league rugby as well as things like golf, tennis and even darts. The selection process for Ultimate Betting Tips Sports Bet does come with some basic information with the sales material for Ultimate Betting Tips claiming that they come from a crack team of sports advisors and experts however this isn’t enough for my liking. Finally Ultimate Betting Tips comes with a last minute service, Ultimate Betting Tips Late Whispers Service.
According to Equine Investment Management Limited the selections from this come courtesy of up to the minute information, directly from the horse racing track. Unfortunately there is no proofing or figures provided for Ultimate Betting Tips.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
At the time of writing it seems that Equine Investment Management Limited are offering all 3 of the Ultimate Betting Tips services for free. Having had experience with them and Jon Owen before however it would seem to be the case that these will be paid services in the future with the Ultimate Betting Tips Late Whispers Service actually stating that you would usually be asked to stick £20 on for the tipster behind the selections. In terms of the income potential, unfortunately no claims are made and with the lack of proofing there is no rela way of knowing.
Does the product provide value for money?
Given the fact that Ultimate Betting Tips is currently free to sign up to it is difficult to not see the value in it but I am not sold on this in the long term.
I have looked at products from Equine Investment Management Limited before and they are generally a very mixed bag. One of the biggest problems that I have encountered is that few services from Jon Owens are consistent enough really. That having been said if you are looking to take advantage of the current free trial the long term consistency is likely to be a concern. Given the fact that all 3 aspects of Ultimate Betting Tips are currently free there is no harm in giving it a try and backing selections on paper.