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About Us

Small Business Specialists

Business Opportunity Research

Website Creation

Business Marketing

Project Management

Tried-and-Tested Solutions


Ukdropshop.com is run by a team of dedicated and 'internet-smart' individuals. All team members are out, and out professionals when it comes to the subject that is internet marketing, and are considered at the very top of our game - Making money on the internet.

My Name is Robert Powers, and I have always had a keen interest in working from home, and when the internet started, I look at many ways to increase my income - dropshipping being one of them, as well as trying multi-level marketing, Kleneeze and similar. This website is about what we feel works, and what we have tried, and researched.

Whatever your aims on the internet; be it earning a little extra income, creating a part-time business, or if you are hell-bent on becoming the next large internet success - Ukdropshop can help you in any way you require.

We use highly trained marketing and promotional techniques, together with tried and tested methods to bring you the very best in online business opportunities that work.

Why go through all the trial and error, and possible life-changing, and expensive mistakes, when you can just use our extensive experience in achieving success in the areas you are seeking?



Where it all started for us

Our background in business opportunities started in the 1980's where we were heavily involved in the mail-order market (before the creation of the internet). Mail-order, and it's success was mainly geared around sending out hundreds and hundreds of mail-shots every week to the potential buyers of the products we were promoting.

Back in those days, the hype was about network marketing - which of course is still around today, although with the invention of the internet, this avenue has evolved on a large scale to the way things were.

The same principles of mail-order can easily be applied to internet-based sales, and businesses. The main difference, and more importantly the most significant factor being it is FAR easier to promote via the World Wide Web. It is far easier to send emails than to sit there for hours on end sticking stamps to envelopes hoping to get a 0.2% return on sales (if you were lucky).

At Ukdropshop, we have many years of experience in gathering the logistics of what makes a business viable, and what can be achieved by the average man, or woman in the street.

Marketing is the essence of all business success. Commerce would cease as we know it without such marketing, and subliminal promotions. You can have the best product/service on the planet, but if you do not know how to market such a commodity then it is little more than useless.

We are professionals at marketing all products, services and businesses

Our team have tried every conceivable business opportunity ever made available (within reason, and excluding the ridiculous), and we have made many mistakes - but we have also made a great success of many home-work type businesses we have started.

This kind of experience is what will lead you on the road to you very own business success, using our knowledge of the market, and our trusted research.

Please feel free to have a detailed look around our website, which we are adding to on a continual basis and contact us if required.

Team UKdropshop - Online Marketing & Business Professionals






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No part of this website, or its products, including (but not limited to)  text or graphics can be recreated or used elsewhere without written permission from www.ukdropshop.com. Failure to comply with this notice will result in direct legal action without prior communication.